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Help! I am lost in a maze of information do I get to the finish line?

When I first started learning about writing and speaking I was lost to know where to begin and found myself overwhelmed in information overload. It's great to live in a time when a world of information is just a click away but how do you filter and find credible sources that are affordable?


I was blessed to find a local writing group who helped me but there was still a lot to learn. This site was born of my frustration to put the pieces together and succeed in my calling. I kept thinking, "I need help; there is so much to learn! I wish there was an easy way to learn all this!" There may be other sites like Speakers & Writers in Focused Training but I did not find them. I did find really helpful people who were willing to share their knowledge with other people pursuing their call. It's such a good feeling to have someone pour into your life. I wanted to pass that on so in these pages, you will find many Free resources. I learned a lot creating this site. A whole new world opened up for me and I wandered right in to learn all I could. I find that I'm still learning because the world changes fast. 

While continuing on this writing journey, I've prayed a lot too! Challenging times do that to me. While praying I thought about the people I hoped to help.  People who want to navigate their calling,  save time and money by using an easy to use method I call SWIFT. If that is you, I prayed for you. God has helped me, and I know He will help you too. Be encouraged. This is an exciting time for you! 

On our booking page you will find a FREE webinar to help you fine tune your calling. Enjoy the webinar but first go to the Direction tab.

Be Encouraged, Bobbie

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