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Marketing is

for You!

Yes, marketing is for you. Creating a marketing plan is something you will need to do or have done for you. If you are a writer who traditionally publishes, you will still need to market your book. Speakers and writers both will need to market (themselves/their books or presentations) or have marketing do it for you. Either way it is a competitive market and there is work to do. The image you portray as a representative of Jesus Christ is one you must consider. In the public eye our actions and words are multiplied. Wanting your book or presentation to be the latest buzz on the market for the right reason is important. Being known for honoring Christ is how I want to buzz on the market. Its easy to get caught up in the excitement but if we begin with the right end in mind, its easier to create the right plan. That said, don't forget to pray. God can guide you to your goal with better results than you can accomplish on your own. 

Your Brand is important. How do you want to be known? For instance, I chose the name, slogan, colors, photo's, and created this website myself. If you look at it, you will see the themes of "Free or Fee," "local and affordable" training's to help you, "Live your calling. We can help." This is my brand. I thought it out carefully. My business cards and marketing mailings reflect this information. My brand is important to me because it reflects my calling to the world. Branding yourself with integrity is very important to anyone but for a Christian who represents Christ, it is more important.


If someone is interested in you as a speaker/writer, they will just look you up on line. So having an up to date, nicely done website with references is going to be very important. Your plan is more than a website though. Whether your website is created by your hand like mine or you have it professionally done, it should reflect you and your calling.


Your website and other marketing materials should reflect a well thought out plan reflecting how you will accomplish getting your message out. Developing your overall business/marketing strategy will be important to your success. If marketing or business are new to you, know that much of it is common sense. As a person in business you sell something you are confident in, you get the word out to the most people you can as fast as you can as often as you can, use all the free resources you can, know your budget, stay within it develop a plan and implement it.

Pray about your ministry and your marketing plan. Doing Kingdom work is a faith walk. Each of us knows where our heart is leading us. In the business of life and calling it is important not to get too busy for our time with Him. It happens. Some days I realize that my priorities have not been aligned with God in the center. It is easy to loose focus.  

Pray and think about your Brand. The name should be memorable and have a tag line that is easy to remember.


The basic marketing supplies are: a business card (you can make them yourself or have them printed cost effectively), a flyer you can send to a mailing list so people can know about you, but first do your website. Your website is an immediate calling card to the world so make it good!  Don't let that discourage you. You can hire someone to create a website for you or you can create a website very affordably or at no cost to you. I am not techie at all and I created this website and several others. My website story is on this site and I hope it encourages you. 

Just take marketing one prayerful step at at time. I love marketing and it is a growing industry too. Social media has grown to be a very useful marketing tool. Be encouraged, Bobbie

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