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Called to Rest

Have you ever been going strong for God...and He called you aside to a rest time? I have.

Last year near the end of July/first of August, I felt God quietly and gently calling me to step aside from my websites, writing and speaking. I wish I could tell you that I immediately stopped and just focused on Him, but at first I only partly obeyed. "Partial obedience is disobedience," as my pastor, Dr. Charles Stanley says. I'd stopped the blogs, speaking and most of my writing. That was good...but I kept writing and submitting for one publication in particular. I had it in my mind that a publishing credit for X publication would be a great next step. I know, I know. It was seeking a good thing, but not at the right time. God did not bless my efforts. God quietly waited while impressing me to stop. I had a deep knowing that we had some things to talk about before I went any further. I felt it was a deep heart healing my Heavenly Father had in mind. It wasn't a bad knowing. I wasn't afraid, just curious and excited to do this so I could have this time with Him and get back to what He had called me to do. Wasn't that the most important thing? I was drawn by His love to dedicated prayer and Bible Study.

How sweet is that? The God of the Universe caring enough to call me aside to sit at His feet! Like a good parent, He doesn't want any of His children to carry pain from life's troubles. He feels the same about you dear reader. Do you carry pain in your heart? God loves us the same. We all make mistakes. People hurt us. We hurt others. BUT God still loves His children the same. Do we get the results of our mistakes? Yes, unless God chooses to mercifully intervene. The law of sowing and reaping is a reality. We can do our best to "fix" our mistakes, but there is usually fallout that affects others. The good news is that God can heal all our hearts if we come to him honestly.

I'd known that deep in me there was a sadness that I couldn't put my finger on. God took me there to show me that even though I had chosen to forgive myself and others, I had not processed the losses. I think of it as the unprocessed pain being like a large splinter embedded in my body. Of course I'd pull out the splinter even though it hurts. If I go on without cleaning the wound thoroughly, there can be infection. I would still have deep pain. The wound needs a good honest cleansing so it can heal properly. King David in the Bible was good at getting honest with God. I read his Psalms and cringe a bit over his honest expression of pain and anger. As a good southern girl I don't even like to own the word anger. Instead I say, "frustration," or "upset." Those are pretty benign words for the cancer of anger that isn't processed for healing. It's toxins leech out to steal your joy, robbing you of the "life" Jesus came to give you. Studies have proven that toxic anger can even harm your health.

King David processed his feelings honestly then gave them over to God. He didn't guiltily hold onto them and walk in shame. The formula is: We are hurt. We process the hurt honestly in prayer with God (think of it as getting out the infection by counting the cost to us -get real about how you feel), then make a decision to choose to forgive by releasing the offender of all debts. You set them or yourself free so they don't owe you anything, God is now free to come in to heal your hurts. If the thought of the pain comes back just thank God that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood for all sins and to heal your heart. You can thank Him for the healing work He is doing. Be confident that God is faithful to do what He said. King David said in Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul." NASB David knew that from life experiences. In his life he was hurt, and he also hurt others with his sinful actions, but God still loved Him dearly. Acts 13:22 says, "After removing Saul, He made David their king. God testified concerning Him: 'I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do." God knows everything in the past and future. There are no surprises to God. God knew the mistakes David would make before He called him. He knew everything we would ever do too.

John 3:16-17 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." NLV

In the past year God has done a review of the basics of my faith. The big question was, "Do you really trust Me?" I trusted Him with my salvation, but He tendered my heart once again for the incredible price Jesus Christ paid to forgive me and reconcile me to the Father. I'd gladly accepted His gift years ago...but knowing I deserved punishment, In the back of my mind I condemned myself for every wrong I'd done. What was I thinking? God impressed me to consider again the greatness of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. It was enough for the mistakes of the whole world...did I really believe that? Did I think that someday when I got to heaven I would walk through the gates pulling my load of guilt and shame? I wasn't free...but I wanted to be. He knew I had forgiven, but I hadn't processed the hurt. God, my Heavenly Father, the Great Physician of our hearts, knew this. He wanted me to be FREE! God wasn't punishing me last August when He pulled me aside. He was loving me. I rejoiced in my salvation anew. I was forgiven. That was a fact. If God didn't condemn me, who did I think I was to drag my guilt and shame around? I believed and received it deep in my soul. I didn't deserve it, but Jesus died for me anyway. He considered me worth the sacrifice. How could I reject such a gift? I received forgiveness in my heart (not just my head). I prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide me in going back to any areas that hadn't healed and get gut honest over them. I even began seeing a godly counselor for a time. Wise godly counsel is a good thing. I chose to forgive (myself and others) then let God do the deep healing I needed. I released the burdens so my hands are free to praise Him and better help others in what He has called me to do. Now I am free-er. Free of guilt, free of shame, free-er to love because I have received the ultimate love, free-er to serve in my calling, free-er to live life trusting Him for all my concerns so I'm free-er to rest and not anxiously struggle through life, free-er to have joy in my soul - not a nagging sadness!

The apostle Paul said, "It was for freedom Christ set you free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." NASB

Dear reader, In a lifetime I don't think I can comprehend the gifts of freedom Jesus gave us. I pray to experience His love in a more profound way as I continue my life's journey. I am still in a resting place with God right now. God knows what the most important thing is for each of us at each moment in our lives. I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about you. I write this blog with you in mind. When God releases me, I'm confident I'll have more to say. I pray God blesses your calling. Would you pray for me too?

"This is my own take on Psalm 23:1-3, "The LORD is watching out for me, I lack nothing. He brings me to resting places so I can think deeply and listen to Him, He refreshes my soul and guides me where He wants me to go."


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